Another Week Over...

After last night's little outburst I thought I'd better reassure people that I am still here, and have not slipped into a wild beserker rage. I still don't really want to say anything about what was going on, but suffice it to say that despite things still being difficult in places they are at least calmer and less, well, inflamed.

Today I have news.

Firstly, it looks like I will actually be doing some work on Monday. This is a classic effort at bad timing as it means I'm back working just as Alison gets a day's toil (for working tomorrow), thus cheating us of a much needed day together. We'll see how things pan out. It may be that I don't get started on this work on Monday, although that's very very unlikely. The assignment is only a week or so's worth of work, which makes it all the more irritating that it popped up this week rather than last week or anything like that.

The other thing about the assignment is that its for an account with a defence client. Now, before anyone accuses of going back on my principles or anything like that, it's not exactly like that. It's more exactly like this past assignment. It's even for the same people within the account as last time. For people who can't be bothered to click on the link and find out what I'm on about, the work is for the account itself, not for the client. I guess it's like giving the Devil's accountant a hand doing the books. Plus, given that I said yes to doing the work for them before, it's unlikely I'd get away with turning it down second time around. I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea, but as the previous entry on it says: Grey Area.

Secondly, there is another potential assignment in the offing. This is for an automotive client, but a different one to my old assignment. It's a bit further away than is comfortable, but the commute is in roughly the same direction as Alison. Seems to be a bit of scope for saving money there, heh. It's not all that hopeful at the moment, as the client seems to be insisting on experience with an app that no one's ever heard of, but as I keep saying, I'm a fast learner. I'll take that app and make it my bitch within days, given the chance.

Thirdly, anyone in the UK who's heard about this will not be altogether surprised to know that I am now looking to move banks. While I have some understanding of the business issues that must've lead to the decision, the utter disregard for the workforce is something I find contemptible. So, any ethical banks out there?

In a recent entry the first two paragraphs had potential to attract google hits, even if that wasn't the reason they were written in the first place (and I can assure you, it wasn't). I had no google hits until sometime around 7am this morning. Since then (a period of between 15 and 16 hours), I have had getting close to, if not more than, 100 google hits related to that subject. The fact that for some search terms it shows up as the #1 match could have something to do with it. I have never seen stats like it, tho. It's a good thing I don't log my googles any more. For starters, there are far too many right now for me to be able or arsed to count them, and secondly if there are googles for anything else lost in there I've missed them.

NaNoWriMo update: Already additional characters are complicating matters. God/Goddess/Global Standard Deity help me when I actually start writing. I also need to do some research before I start. I would say what I need to research, but given the parts of the plot that for now I am keeping a secret, telling would also constitute spoiling.

A hard day's KOTORing has revealed cool stuff that I was hitherto unaware of, the coolest of all being the little riddle side-quest. I'm also finding out lots of things about the characters that I missed first time through, and doing my best to bring about some kind of romantic development, if there's scope to do so. We shall see. And I have to laugh at the text I got from Dunk earlier today as he hit the twist in KOTOR.

And I'll end by Mmmmmmmmm-ing at one of the new supporting characters in Angel. Yum.

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