I'm Not Counting Chickens, I'm Not Counting Chickens...

These aren't chickens, they're just things to feel good about. They are numbered though.

  1. I have a potential assignment. Potentially. And this is the chicken that is most definitely not being counted. It is a bit of a weird one though as it's for an account with a defence client, and I said I don't want to do defence work on ethical grounds. It's not defence work though, it's work for in support of the account themselves rather than in support of the client. That's a pretty lame justification to some of you, I'm sure, but it suits me and my fixation on grey areas.

  2. R Kelly is no longer at Number 1 in the UK, thanks to Evanescence sneaking up behind him and sticking their key in his ignition. Lovely image that, thank my wit for that one. And R Kelly for giving my wit a starting point, lyrical genius that he is. "Bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce."

  3. The Stag Night is coming together, slowly. Gonna be pricey though. The main evening entertainment will take place at a casino, heh ;) Slightly classier than a lapdancing club, I thought.

  4. I appear to have gotten my groove back at DOAXBV, apart from the game I lost 7-1 just before coming up here.

  5. When will you die in a horror movie?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You are the lucky one. You lived on pure wit (or being a virgin) you are the only one who lived. Time to celebrate and plan for the sequel!

    It would appear that Trinny wasn't the only one to get an option for the sequel, heh.

And I leave you with a dilemma. My opinion changes depending on the picture I see, I haven't seen any live pics for a while and I don't care to go look. Is Sissy in the Big Brother house fit or not? Her pic on Channel 4's Big Brother mini-site says not. Her pic on Celebdaq says otherwise. I'm left feeling confused.

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