Mixed Feelings

OK. Lots to update on, half of which I've probably already forgotten.

We had a spring clean this weekend. Stuff has been moved around, tidied up, sorted through, and disposed of where necessary, not necessarily in that order. Amongst all the crap, I found a letter from the comms provider that in most respects is my ex-alleged comms provider, except for the fact that they still provide my cable internet connection. The letter is a bit old, and I should've opened it before, but as it happened it wasn't too important. However, it was amusing.

"I am writing with reference to your most recent invoice, which stated that your Direct Debit payment of [BLING!] was due to be collected from your account on or around 19/01/04. Unfortunately, due to a processing delay, the payment will instead be claimed on or around 30/01/04."

So, yeah, so far, so boring. The next paragraph is the good bit though.

"Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Incidents such as this are rare and are not a true reflection of the usual high quality of service we provide."

Did you catch all that? I'll repeat the last sentence for you, just in case you missed it.

"Incidents such as this are rare and are not a true reflection of the usual high quality of service we provide."

Now, either this letter was sent to the wrong person, or my comms provider have decided to start sending me cheery jokes to start making up for the grief of the past 4 years. "Usual high quality of service we provide." Ha! I almost peed in my pants I was laughing so hard. If they are actually providing someone with a high quality of service I want to know why they're not having to put up with all the shit I had. I'm not entirely convinced I believe a high quality of service exists any more.

I could fill out loads more diary with dissing my comms provider, but it's too easy, and it's also getting quite old. I had to share that little nugget of humour with you though.

Readers of my LJ will already have seen this. Other readers won't.
Can you tell what it is yet?
Have a guess at what it is. (Note for LJ readers who've already guessed, I will be giving the answer soon, but the other readers need a chance yet). No prizes, mostly because I have no imagination. No clues, because it's not that hard.

I bought sixty quid's worth of wood last week. I will be turning it into the much-vaunted AV-unit for the XBox and DVD and everything to go in. Assuming it all holds together. Was fun getting it home, I can tell you. Shit, next thing you know I'll be turning out a profitable line in bespoke furniture. Maybe.

I have a new addiction, and I blame Dunk. I mentioned in the past couple of entries how I'd not bid for Shockwave on eBay. Well, one of the main reasons why that was the case was that I didn't have an eBay account. Funnily enough, now I do. Equally funnily enough, I have now bid on a Shockwave. And lost. I've also bid on two different Rodimus Primes, and by now I will have lost on the second one as well as the first. No, actually as I type this there's 11 minutes left, well, probably 9 by now since I got distracted mid-sentence and well, you get the picture.

These are the only things I'm planning on bidding on. Shockwave, and Rodimus Prime. Of course, if you're not entirely convinced of this, don't worry, neither am I.

I'm getting really pissed off with the work situation. There are people who say I shouldn't complain about getting paid for doing nothing, but that's not entirely the point. I need something to do. More to the point, I need to know what there is that I could possibly do. Communication seems to have lapsed a little over the past fortnight. Knowing that the company is having an external recruitment drive when I'm twatting about is not helping either. Sooner or later I'm going to have an outburst at someone about it, which isn't really going to be fair on whoever it is, but I think I'm gonna need to vent soon.

Argh, and I was feeling pretty positive when I started writing this.

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