Jabbed and Boosted

Well, since yesterday I did what I jokingly described to my mother by text as 'trying to cut my finger off', thus raising her worry status to Mum-Con-One, today I popped to the Doctor's surgery to see a nurse and check my tetanus cover.

What actually happened yesterday was that I was holding something (I forget exactly what) in my left hand and holding a slightly old and sorry looking stanley knife in my right hand. As I cut downwards on the something I caught the base of my left pinky with the knife.

It felt like a scratch. I was so sure it'd barely touched the skin let alone broken it I just carried on doing what I was doing. Then, after drilling four holes, I noticed a red mark on the wood I'd been holding. My blood, apparently. Oops.

Since that was my second DIY injury of the day I decided it was time to call it a day in respect of said DIY.

It's not actually that severe a cut. It looks nasty, but it must've been a pretty clean cut considering how little I felt it.

Based on what I could remember the nurse decided I should have a tetanus injection. Only you don't get immunised against just tetanus any more (apparently). The tetanus injection has now been combined with dyptheria, so you get a jab against both at once. Given the amount of time my mind spends in the gutter the dyptheria jab can't hurt.

Have been on the woozy side all day though. Not entirely surprising, I guess.

BUT! I've found the funkiest hidden level on Project Zoo. Well, it's annoying as buggery but it's funky too. There's a Donkey Kong Level! As a certain LJer would say it's cool as lemonade! (Lemonade that's been in a fridge, presumably, as opposed to left out in the kitchen on a hot day). Unfortunately, the point at which I started working out ways of hastening my progress so I could get to the top before the time ran out was also the point at which it started really getting on my tits. The basic Donkey-Kongey-ness of it all did give my enthusiasm an all round boost though. I'm slowly hunting out all the bonus coins (the ones I can be arsed with) and unlocking all the extras. If I haven't mentioned that aspect before, that is why I am choosing to carry on playing a game I completed two or three days ago. If I haven't mentioned that I completed the game (well, finished it would be a better term than completed) that's because I'm getting my diaries muddled.

And, I should also add, that amongst the DIY injuries there was some actual valid DIY going on too. I have now completed the base of the unit, apart from gluing it together. I'll be doing that tomorrow or at the weekend, I think, before I progress any other aspects further. The main thing now about this project is that it's starting to dawn on me just how many bloody bits of wood I need to cut. Okay, poor choice of curse word perhaps. There's only one bit of wood that's actually bloody, and that doesn't need cutting any more (although it does need more holes drilled in it at some point). But yeah, I need lots of pieces of wood.

Oh, and for the benefit of those who stay away from my LJ, this is what I am hopefully getting for my birthday. Yay :D

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