Is this a handbag I see before me?

It's probably time I outed myself in a certain respect on this diary. I have a bag. I've had my bag since we went on holiday, and given the format I wrote up the holiday in I didn't really get as far as mentioning it then.

So anyway, today, when I'm sitting back in the open plan bit of the office, doing the same old same old that I'd twice before sought to leave behind for good, Scottish G (who occupies the desk next to the one I've appropriated) says "you seem to have a handbag on the back of your chair". I kinda smirked and said "yeah, whatever". He then replied with "well, as long as you don't dance around it".

I don't refer to it as a handbag. Bro does, in an attempt to wind me up. It doesn't work. Handbag is as good a word as any for it, I don't really care one way or the other. Handbag just carries certain connotations that some people will make assumptions from. It's not leather, and it sure as fuck does not have a brass butterfly clip on it.

See, nothing like Tinky-Winky's

So before I end up making myself sound defensive when really that's so far from the point you wouldn't even see it on a clear day, let's move on.

Work was hell. For starters I didn't get anything worthwhile done until gone 2pm because all my read accesses to the production environments had been deleted and I had to get them reinstated. Still, in the meantime I managed to pin down the names of all my NaNo characters, which is good. Not all of them are introduced at once, so I can change some if I need to, but the important ones are there. Especially pleased with Vernon Wells. Reginald Ullswater is also quite fitting. Wanted a name that sounded distinguished. Turns out grandfathers are good at having distinguished names, as are places in the Lake District. Reg wasn't actually my grandad's first name but it was the name he used. Then again I'm starting to find that people "trading" under their middle names isn't as uncommon as you'd expect. My other grandad has also contributed to the naming, I felt it was only fair.

Only two female characters so far too. That seems a bit odd. Normally there's enough estrogen in my stories for people to drown in. The characters certainly seem to marinate well in the stuff, anyway.

I hope Anne's NaNo comes together, it'd be strange being there without her. I know she's not one to give up easily but I get concerned easily. Hence I'm concerned.

Argh only two nights to go, then it's all hands on deck. Or on keyboard.

And we're finally getting rid of those damn trees too. On Saturday they go. If you don't know what I mean by the damn trees, I'll explain some other time. It's past bedtime as it is.

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