Back t' Grind, Again


The good news is that a new assignment has just come up. This is typical, because I knew one would come up right before NaNo, to steal away the spare time during the day that would otherwise be so handy.

The bad news (other than it popping up right before NaNo) is that it's with my old account. The one I've been trying to get away from and yet keep getting dragged back into, despite the obvious vehemence in my voice when I say "Never Again" each time.

But given that I've now been on the bench for 6 weeks or so and that it's to cover for a guy who is off sick, saying "no" would really be a bad thing. Except perhaps for my mental health. Although being on the bench is not doing my mental health much good either. So I can either plump for getting depressed because I can't get away from a job that really doesn't help my career, or I can go slowly insane because my life consists of wondering if I'll ever find a job that'll challenge me.

I'm a bit calmer than I was the other night.

I spoke to Trina last night and though she did not sound happy she seems to know what she's doing. She's gonna have a hard time, and I will continue to be concerned, but I know she'll get through it OK in the end. And she convinced me she knows how to look after her cats. And no, that is not a euphemism for pussy. It could be, and I'm pretty sure she knows how to look after that too, but it isn't.

I'm still worried about Daisy though. It's kinda impossible not to be. The impression I'd got was that she was going in for a routine thing and stuff and then suddenly it goes all Brush With Death(TM). Add to that the fact that it's easy to forget she's in an ongoing fight for her life when you read her cheerful and uplifting diary entries. I know there are other people much closer to her who were affected by all this much worse than I was, and that's scary because as far as I'm concerned it hit me hard enough. I dread to think what they went through. And I guess the other thing is that she's one of the newest friends I've made. I don't know if other people find this, I guess they do, but when you make a new friend there's something special about them regardless of how close a friend they are, simply because they are The New Friend(TM). And that's how I think of Daisy right now.

So, how do I make a smooth transition from writing the deadly serious back to writing the ridiculously banal that tends to make up the majority of my diary entries? Well, I don't. I just hurl in unsubtle links like this one.

I can't let the current crisis in the Conservative Party go without commenting on it. And by commenting, I mean rolling around on the floor laughing hysterically at it. The only cause for concern is the possibility that Ia(i)n Duncan Smith gets replaced by someone who knows what they're doing. I'd much rather see the Tories continue to fall into disarray and get replaced by the Libs as the opposition. And that's as political as I want to get.

NaNo: Argh... need... map... Milton Keynes... Circa 1940... must... find... must... find...

I've googled and I've been to libraries and I've been to bookshops and can I find what I need? Well, obviously not. I don't need it immediately, but will probably be starting to get a bit antsy about it around November 10th. Apart from the fact that I seem quite antsy enough about it now as it is.


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