
Just a quick entry to let people know I'm still here.

I'm currently fighting off whatever it is that the lurgy is this year. Basically unpleasant head-cold with all the lovely symptoms that go with it. Plegm. Yum.

I'm also working on my Mix CDs for this month and the artwork to go with them. Daisy will no doubt be relieved to know that I solved the problem I was having with Nero (CD Burning software, for those who didn't know) by chucking Nero out the window and using Feurio instead. Feurio however is nowhere near as user friendly, even if it is more flexible. It's like the difference between Word and Emacs. I'll try and use Nero for the next mix, but from now it's on probation.

I will spare you (for now) the further stressful developments in my struggle to sever myself from my prior comms provider because writing it up will only get my blood pressure up.

Our viewing of Buffy DVDs from start to finish in order got up to the point of watching Bad Girls tonight. Possibly the only episode that Alison knows the name of. We watched the previous episode (The Zeppo) last week and afterwards she said "So, does that mean it's Bad Girls next then?" I've never been so proud! Heh.

Oh, and also on the subject of Buffy, today I finally cracked the stage of the Buffy XBox game that I've been stuck on for months (because I got so fed up with it I started playing other games) and got onto new bits! So I have something else to get caught up in now apart from KOTOR.

I'm considering tweaking this layout a bit. Would people mind?

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