
So, we're off to the parents' for the weekend. Mr & Mrs Bro will also be there. It'll be the first time the six of us have met up properly since the Wedding - we saw each other briefly on Alison's birthday, but that didn't really count. And since there was everyone else there at the Wedding, this will be the first proper family get-together all year.

It's gonna be fun.

Incidentally, I dreamt last night that my parents moved again. In the dream it turned out that they'd actually moved back to the house I spent the first five years of my life in, only it had been done up and extended and stuff (quite clever considering it was terraced) and looked dead posh and did not in any way resemble the house that I remember.

One of the main things I remember being told about that house when I was older after we'd moved away (this is for real now, not from the dream) was that it creeped the hell out of my Mum. Apparently the previous owners used to hold seances there. I've been in places that have creeped me out (certain places we've stayed on holiday, etc) and I guess to a certain extent I do think that places can retain some kind of essence of what has gone on before. I'm not sure where I stand on the idea of ghosts. But anyway, yeah. Mum always found the place creepy.

Anyway, this fact did impinge on the dream, and in the dream I didn't want to spend the night there because I was worried it was haunted.

However, earlier in the dream it wasn't the same house, it was just in the same area, and my brother got the number of the old house and called it to see who was there and it turned out it was students living there.

Dreams are bizarre. And not enough of them have Eliza Dushku in.

I've done a load more banners. At least one of them will be meaningless to non-diaryland readers as it is diaryland in-jokes. Ros and I were having a banner-making fest last night and she came up with some fantastic ones. Anyway, here they are.

Blow Me Down


Don't Ask...

I submitted them all for 500 views each along with the Pop Tarts banner I put in the last entry. I'm almost certain the lightbulb one will get rejected but I gotta try and get it in circulation. However, I'm still waiting for my cool Eddie Izzard banner to get approved and I submitted that on Sunday. Somebody is being very very slack. Especially as Ros is getting all hers approved straight away.

I wouldn't be surprised if I make more banners this afternoon. My mind seems to be in a bit of a banner-creativity phase at the moment. Comes of writing short and (hopefully) witty captions for Mr & Mrs Bro's wedding photos, I suppose.

Still looking for an assignment. Bah.

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