Back t' Grind

OK, after my somewhat different entry about my holiday, I should probably add a few other points about it that are either relevant or important or both. I'm not sure how I'd distinguish between relevant or important anyway with respect to diary entries. Now I come to think of it, I think the terms are interchangeable.

Anyway, first point - on the way down we stopped at Taunton for Alison to try out Saxophones and possibly buy one. And she did buy one. A Jupiter 500 Series, second hand. Jupiters are normally considered one of the more inferior student brands, but this one measured up to the brand new Yamaha she was also trying. Second-hand Jupiter: 450 quid. New Yamaha: 750 quid. Difference in sound: virtually unnoticeable.

Erm, what else? Well, I spent a fair amount of time playing KOTOR, and ended up deciding that I wouldn't take the XBox on holiday again, except maybe to use as a DVD player (it's more portable than my 'proper' player). Why? Because gaming time cut into writing time far too much... and is still doing so. In evenings or 'early' mornings on holidays when Alison and I do our own things for a bit it's normally the case that I write. This time I was pretty much always gaming. Not so productive. And yet, at the same time, I made the most of the opportunity for intensive gaming.

Oh! We saw Pirates of the Caribbean while we were there. After all, if you're gonna get with the pirates, Penzance is one of the best places in the world to do so. Fantastic film. Never really realised just how good Johnny Depp before now. Can't ever accuse him of doing a half-hearted job on any of his roles, I guess. And the light-hearted fun element of the film makes it a definite one for the collection.

Argh, there was something else to mention but I've forgotten what it was.

Well, anyway. Was back at work today. No assignment as such yet, but I was doing a bit of 'clearing up' for my old assignment - issues had come to light while I was away that seemed to have been attributed to the launch I did just before I left. Nothing directly related to what I was doing but my fingerprints were the last at the scene, as it were. There are potential assignments in the offing, but nothing certain for the moment. More news as it comes in.

And yesterday I made a wee trellis for our clematis to climb on. Still need to varnish it so it's all weatherproof, but it's another cool DIY creation. Go me.

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