Night Of The Old Republic

It's particularly evil for distributors in the UK to release video games on a Friday. Friday nights are supposed to be nights of socialising, particularly amongst those age groups most likely to be playing video games. When a big and - dare I say it? - eagerly awaited game is released, how many Friday nights are suddenly put on hold? How many weekends are suddenly put on hold?

Surely, you're thinking, there aren't that many sad fuckers out there who would put video games before socialising? Well, I know for a fact that she isn't online this evening because she's playing a certain game that was released today, and that there's a fair chance that he may also have given into temptation and bought it. And that's not counting the non-diarist gamers I know. Of which there is, roughly speaking, one. But I know for a fact that he'll be off playing this game now too.

The game in question is Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. And oh yes, take it from someone who somehow wangled a free afternoon off work and then bought it on the way home and subsequently spent a number of hours this afternoon playing it, it rocks.

Some might even say: "It Rocketh The Hizzouse".

Others might say: "Star Wars? Pah!" I make allowances for such people and mention them here to offer a modicum of balance and representation amongst an entry that has been marinaded in 25 years of Star Wars geekdom. Anyone who says "But Star Wars was released in 1977, that's 26 years ago, not 25!" will get a clip. I saw it in 78, ok?

I love this game. I've played it for two, maybe three hours total and I just know I've barely scratched the surface. There is detail and there is attention to it. Sure, there's always a few things that niggle, but that's to be expected with anything. I love this game, and I will happily squat down and kiss copious BioWare ass as a result.

So yes, SW:KOTOR was released in the UK today. I'm sure plenty of gamers in the US have already completed it but they can go figure.

And this is my last entry for a while, as we're off to Cornwall early tomorrow morning. The writing pads are going, the XBox (and KOTOR, natch) is going, numerous films and books are going, and naturally Alison and I are going. Yes we do tend to take a lot of stuff with us, but we do also like to keep our options open. Ideally holidays are all gorgeous weather, etc, but you have to be prepared for them not to be.

So anyway, I'm off. Try not to wreck the place while I'm away.

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