Summer Summer Summertime...

Gonna be another hot day. Hotter than yesterday, apparently. I give it another 90 minutes before things start to get icky.

I'm still doing crappy support work, and I'm still finding it completely soul-destroying. Equally depressing is the fact that I'm sat back at my old desk for the time being - it's almost as if I never left. Colleague next to me got in half an hour late, then spent an hour sat picking her nails. Not really inspiring.

What I keep getting inspired to do is make banners. I made 6 or 7 mini-banners yesterday to run on Booberella's site, and I wouldn't be surprised if I end up making more today. Plus I also did a totally funky (even if I do say so myself) Jasper Fforde inspired banner for Anne which she is now running as her first DL banner. Be interesting to see what sort of click-through she gets. Have to see what I can come up with for my own diary. In case you care, these are the mini-banners:

Hopefully the different frame rates on them all will drive you nuts while you're reading this. That's certainly the intention. Never let it be said that I don't think of my readership :-D

For those of you who are always after DOA:XBV updates, I'm playing as Christie at the moment and I've just got her a black leather/PVC lace-up swimsuit. As Alison put it: "That suits her." There's a matching dark green one which should also go quite nicely. I think either colour would also suit Leifang. Maybe I'll get enough money to find out, eh? Still have to go back and play as Lisa again at some point and try and get enough to buy the Venus swimsuit. Heh. I think I'm going back into a phase of perving over the game. One day I really must remember to get a life.

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