Like Us... Hate Us... But You'll Never Change Us...

It's been a strange weekend. I've been feeling both lazy and restless, which ultimately leads to some confusion, as I'm sure you can appreciate.

There have been accomplishments, however.

We ordered the stuff for the front garden - we're gonna cover it in greyish gravel and then plant some spiky grasses and other unusual plants in there. We're assured we don't need to take any special measures to stop the gravel migrating down the slope but just how true that is remains to be seen. So yeah, it's not being delivered for a few weeks because Alison has some time off coming up and we figured we may as well wait until then, but eventually we will be receiving 2 tonnes of gravel. Go us.

In addition to downloading Respectable by Mel and Kim and adding it into the DOA:XBV soundtrack, I did the same with Pretend We're Dead by L7. Whether anyone reading this remembers L7 or not remains to be seen. Actually saw them live 10 or so years ago, supporting Faith No More. There were some interesting stories going around about both bands' on-stage antics for that tour, if I remember correctly.

Some may have noticed that last night's entry featured a different book in the "Reading:" slot. Others may not care. But yes, I've finished The Well Of Lost Plots. For me it's the best Jasper Fforde so far, I think. I didn't think the second one was quite on a par with the first, as much as it introduced far more interesting concepts. I would imagine that at some point I will read all three again, back-to-back - on holiday in September, if not before.

I've finally gotten round to reading some of the book my brother bought me over a year ago called The Best Best Man. It's quite daunting. More daunting is the fact that the big day is now less than four weeks away. Argh.

I did something tonight I've been meaning to try for sometime. I scanned in some of my slides from my trip to Australia for Christmas '87/New Year '88. I was there for the 16th World Scout Jamboree, but I haven't got as far as any of those slides. Besides, I need to do something about the quality it's coming out, as you will see from the picture below taken just outside Canberra.

If they existed, they would be here

And tomorrow is Monday. The less said about that, the better.

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