Diary of a Book Whore

Hey, I went shopping. This will come as no surprise to most people reading this, particularly those who I texted while shopping.

Turns out that despite what I thought here, Redemption Ark is out in regular paperback. So I bought it. It would seem that if I'm anything at the moment, it's a book whore. In fact, this entry will mostly be about books.

I finished A Caress Of Twilight this afternoon. Lots of twists to it at the end but it didn't seem to go anywhere. It was setting lots of stuff up but it didn't seem to have much of a climax. I'm thinking it's setting stuff up for the next book, which is fair enough, but on its own it seemed like it was only half the story. It wasn't quite as racey as the first book, but it was still well paced and compelling, as I said last time I mentioned it.

Which means now I get to read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Well, to tell you the truth, I've already started it. When I was in Waterstones this afternoon buying Redemption Ark I had a bit of time to spare before I'd arranged to meet Alison in Pizza Hut, so I snuck into the children's section and started reading it. It was either that or grab a copy off the main display in the front of the shop and start reading that in front of the shop assistants. I know if I worked in a bookshop I'd get pretty damn snobby about people doing that so I wouldn't leave myself open to being snobbed at with the positions reversed. I didn't get to read that much, about a third of a chapter, so as I just so wittily pointed out to Anne, if I'd given any impressions of it so far it would be tantamount to judging a book by its cover. Heh.

Obviously, I'm set on finishing HPatOotP by Monday evening, so I can start Jasper Fforde's Well Of Lost Plots then. Not sure how much of a ridiculous goal that is, but one can dream...

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