
OK, so...

Went to Hampshire today. 216 mile round trip, which makes for over �80 in travel expenses. That will do nicely, sir. It was a cool trip, in the end. I felt a bit out of my depth at first but I should imagine that will change over the next day or so. The subject of the work is Client Billing. Long-term readers will remember this topic raising its head more than once in the past.

Did I say cool? Because being in a car for four and a half hours today was really not cool. It was hot, and sweaty, and all sorts of other things that would leave most people feeling a bit icky if I actually put them into words.

Sham, bless her, gave me this link which then lead me to create the picture below as a record of what I felt I should look like when I got home after this weekend.

No, I don't actually have red hair really.

In other news, I've just bought Leifang the trampiest swimming cozzie ever in DOAXBV, and I'm contemplating starting a Lisa game just to see who's lounging around by the pool when she arrives.

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