Masturbating On To The Front Page

Most of my readers will be aware that I tend to have fairly vitriolic views when it comes to the media, particularly the printed media. This all changes when it comes to Big Brother. I don't watch Big Brother myself, but I do tend to keep track of the goings on through the media, because I get fascinated with the attention the media showers upon it.

This is perhaps a poor choice of words, given what I'm actually writing about right now. At lunchtime I popped to the supermarket to get some snacks, being, as I am, a person who needs snacks on a regular basis. In doing so, I perused the front pages of the newspapers, which I often do when in there. It was a story about the Holby City actress, Laura Sadler, that caught my eye, because although I don't watch Holby City or have any other reason to feel a specific closeness to her, for some reason I found the whole thing quite distressing when I heard about it on the radio. I know I'm a sensitive soul at times but it's mystified me as to why this in particular incident has gotten to me. I will continue to follow the story with no small amount of concern, and I feel I've trivialised it by mentioning it in amongst this otherwise lighthearted entry. This was not my intent.

Then I saw the front page of the Star. It was proclaiming how sex had finally taken place in the Big Brother house. It then went on to explain how Ray had been having sex with himself. Now, I'm not the most cosmopolitan person by any means, but I'm pretty sure that's the first time the five knuckle shuffle has been the subject of a front page news story in the UK, other than perhaps on the front page of the Sport. Then, when I went back to work and told the woman next to me in the office about it, she told me that it was old news, and had been, ahem, revealed on the Big Brother program the night before. But despite being old news, it was on the front page.

It would seem this is an important day for masturbators everywhere.


I'm off down to Hampshire tomorrow, to visit the Project Manager and users for my new assignment. Not entirely sure what to make of it. Even though the whole "Up North" assignment was pretty much a sudden thing too, this seems much more sudden.

And, in even bigger news, today I finished off my knowledge transfer for my old Daventry assignment.

And the Bonsai Tree I felt sure I'd killed seems to have revived.

So mostly, it's good.

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