...or your colleagues, or bosses

So if having an infuriating weekend wasn't bad enough...

Yesterday I had a meeting with TG and THC. THC needed a status report on my work and needed to know when it would be done, as my assignment (and everyone else's) is now starting to wind up.

A major problem came to light during the course of this meeting. I had misinterpreted the emphasis of my assignment. The first upshot (or rather downshot, as Anne pointed out is more accurate) of this is that while I have been working on more or less the right thing, I've started at the wrong end. Which leads to the second bi-directional vertical shot - I suddenly have lots of work to do in a very short space of time. Arrrgh.

Now, this wouldn't necessarily have been much of a problem had it not been for the fact that TG was quite happy during this meeting to sit there and watch me squirm as I struggled to justify what I had been doing. Now, it's possible that it was only me misinterpreting that was the problem, and that from what I'd been told it was clear that I was doing the wrong thing, but surely the onus for ensuring that this sort of thing does not happen should be on TG as much as it is on me?

Suffice it to say that I felt well and truly stitched up. And as a result, not happy.

Good job time is coming up anyway for finding a new assignment, eh?

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