
There seems to be lots of ying and yang around me at the moment. Life is conspiring to tug me in all different directions. In order to satisfactorily explain, I must first make an aside that may well mean nothing to most people, but will mean a lot to a select few.

Sometimes it's easy to forget what these diaries are for. I know sometimes I forget. Because while a lot of the time these diaries are like accounts of what has happened, first and foremost they are about our feelings. I choose to share my feelings with the world because I find it carthartic. When I have feelings to vent, I tell the world rather than keep it bottled up. I know many other people find this carthartic too. But at the end of the day it does mean that a diary is about your feelings, and your feelings only. There are times when I should perhaps be more tactful and spare others feelings, but at that point it stops being a diary and starts being an account of things that have happened. Tact is of course applied as much as possible, but not to the detriment of being able to say what you need to say. I know that this is in all likelihood something I do not need to point out, but at the same time it can't hurt to show that I have given the matter some thought.

So, the ying and the yang.

The first ying and yang is the job. My working life has split in two, which from one side is new and unusual, and from another is going to take a lot of getting used to. Hopefully the outcome will be that the new side to the job supercedes the old, but we shall have to see. Having spent two days working in Daventry doing Daventry work I'm back off to Derbyshire tomorrow and we shall see what happens there. I have a lot to show off to them, I feel (for feel, read hope).

The second ying and yang and the third ying and yang are inseparably joined, to the point where they need to just get a room.

The second would be friends. I'm sad for one friend, happy for another. Of course, these sort of things happen often, just not usually over the same event. I have no doubt that sooner or later this ying and yang will resolve and I will feel less in danger of becoming caught in the middle. I know that neither of the people involved would knowingly put me in that position, but it makes me wary all the same.

The third then concerns the friend I am happy for, and is the one where the ying and yang are constantly beating each other up rather than (in the other cases) just eyeing each other warily from opposite sides of the room. Ying - typical straight male. Yang - close personal friend. Ying - details, please. Yang - I really don't need that sort of TMI. The Yang is dominant right now and I plan to keep it that way, but the Ying fights dirty. The muddle it creates is at the same time both highly amusing and quite disturbing. I will reconcile it all in my own time, but in the interim please bear with me. Still, they are in agreement on some things. Ying - it's cool. Yang - it's cool.

Can someone please tell me how this link managed to worm its way into my diary's referrer stats?

Oh, and I'm very broody tonight. Hearing a friend's two year-old son say your name when saying goodbye to you will do that.

Yeah. I'm a sap.

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