Subtle Googleplex

Apparently Iraq has become the most searched for term on the internet. Why? Why do you need to go to an internet search engine to find out about Iraq when every fucking newspaper, every TV station, every radio station, every news website and even every goddamn diary entry like this one is talking about Iraq. Eh? I really don't get it. Is there something I'm missing? Because I can see why some pornographic search terms grab so many hits, but I can't see why anyone would be at the state of mind where they can't get enough of the war. Whatever happened to searching for "hot pussy" or "nubile blondes"?

Can I just say, for Anne's benefit mostly, that in that paragraph when I said "oil wells" I was tempted to say "fuel fields". Everyone else will have to wait to understand that one. I'd say more, but I think I've said enough to inflate her ego lately :-D

The past two nights my dearest and I have rented films. We haven't done this for ages.

Last night we watched XXX or xXx or whatever. That was cool. Very OTT, but fucking cool all the same. Any film that has the line "Stop thinking Czech Police and start thinking Playstation! Blow shit up!" has to be granted a certain amount of kudos for tapping into the geek within us all. Anyone who has vented aggression playing first-person shooters knows what I'm saying. Doesn't make a difference if it was Doom or Red Faction or anything in between, if you've done it, that film will speak to you.

Then tonight we watched The Guru. Funny, enjoyable romantic comedy, but a little bizarre in places. Very difficult to buy the idea of Heather Graham as a porn star, lol. Actually, some of the stuff where she was talking about sex was, erm, interesting to watch. Heh. The film also had some classy lines, but there was much to cringe about. Then again, that tends to be what romantic comedies are for.

Like Tarka, I've just done the BBC Test The Nation Relationship Test. I scored 179 (Lucky in Love), which breaks down as Love 39, Being Together 36, Differences 33, Support 38, and Intimacy 33. I didn't actually watch the programme, but the quiz was interesting.

Is that good enough for you?

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