Fucking Stinks

Silicone Sealant is possibly one of the most disgusting substances in the universe. It stinks beyond belief. The smell is all vinegary and horrible, and just when you think you've adjusted to it, you suddenly get a faceful of the stuff and then it's all downhill rapidly. And I haven't finished using it, not yet. I've done round the top and bottom of the bath, and since the top includes the taps that's no mean feat. So there's just the side of the bath to do. This may be the easiest bit, but it's also the biggest bit. Which means I need to squirt out loads of the evil stuff. And you're completely right, that's far too close to being a euphemism for comfort.

I don't want to get caught up in talking about the war during every entry but how the fuck did the US manage to shoot down one of our planes? I can't recall having heard any mention of any Iraqi airforce in the news. I'm assuming this is because the Iraqi airforce as was didn't last 5 minutes during the 1991 war, and that the various sanctions have meant that they've not been allowed to buy any new jets. Ergo, there is no Iraqi airforce. That being the case, how could a British Jet be mistaken for the enemy? Huh? You see people, even in war, there is fuckwittage.

I should go back to the bathroom now, but a) it stinks and b) it stinks. I have a feeling I may have inhaled enough of the fumes for it to have fazed me a bit, which is delightful. Not.

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