Calling My Bluff

My telecoms provider appear to have decided that my bluff is worth calling.

You see, when I came back from holiday and found my cable modem connection was down, I had to wait almost a week for the connection to be fixed. In the meantime I made alternative arrangements and used an old dialup account. I then wrote to my provider and said that I expected them to pay for my alternative arrangements.

Now, since I signed up for a minimum 12 month contract I can't cancel the cable modem contract until next January. However, I did point out to them that both my cable tv and cable telephone contracts were over 12 months old and that if the situation wasn't resolved to my satisfaction I'd be cancelling them instead.

It is apparently not their policy to pay for alternative access methods. More fool them. I'll be talking to the CAB first just to check if I have grounds to expect reimbursement anyway, then I'll be phoning my provider and asking why they didn't take me seriously. And cancelling my cable tv and cable telephone.

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