Oops, what happened there?

So I got all self-absorbed last night. I think the main problem was that with the move and anything I hadn't really had any time to think about stuff, because it was all about the doing. Then all of a sudden last night I had time to think, and time to actually feel tired.

I'm still feeling quite dazed, but it's not so bad now. And I'm not feeling quite so lost as to be sitting around wondering if this was actually the right thing to do. Tonight it's actually starting to feel a bit more... natural.

Can I just interrupt my flow to say that I've managed to dig out my Bryan Adams Reckless CD and put it on, and the proper version of Heaven has just been on. Trashy Euro-dance should be outlawed. It's more of a threat to us than Weapons Of Mass Destruction (TM).

How about a WOMD rant then, since we're on the subject. So Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. Big fucking deal. The USA has them. The UK has them. Pretty much every fucking country in the so-called civilised world has them. I'm not disputing that something has to be done about Saddam Hussein, but it's entirely the wrong angle of attack. How about the fact that he's an evil dictator who is obviously unfit to rule and needs to be deposed? How about the continual human rights abuses that he's committed against his own people? No, playing the WOMD card smacks of scare tactics and general spoiling for a fight. The problem is not Iraq, it's the country's ruler. What is it with this obsession with bombing a country to bits when you have an issue with its ruler? Is it just to keep the NRA happy?

Sorry, got a bit carried away there. I was all ready to do a big rant about the Liberty and Livelihood March last night, but my attack of melancholy can't-be-arsedness spared you that. To summarise my opinion on that, a) any sympathy I had for rural people who find their livelihoods threatened by the economic changes of the past few years evaporated when they decided to link their issues with the issue of fox hunting; b) my girlfriend works for a tourist company - a small family firm. Last year her firm was impacted by both Foot and Mouth and September 11th. Plenty of small tourist firms went under, thankfully the one she works for didn't. Where were their subsidies? Their industry wasn't propped up by any means, why should farming be? c) Change happens. Shit happens. You sink or swim, deal with it. And there I go ranting again.

I must apologise for being rather unforgiving in my rants. I'm well aware that a number of people who read this regularly hold views that coincide with the ones I'm ranting against, but I need to get these things off my chest. I'm not attacking anyone in particular by ranting, I'm just airing my views. It's meant to be uncompromising rather than vicious. I hope it comes across that way.

So what else has happened? I replaced the isolator switch in the shower. The old switch was water damaged (condensation, by the look of it), which was an exciting discovery. We knew it was a dodgy switch because the contact would go every so often while one of us was in the shower, and the shower would just cut out. No more.

Other than that, I'm starting to discover just how depressing unpacking is. Three boxes of CDs are all part unpacked, but I seem to lack the resolve to do the job properly.

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