
While we were eating this evening, we had Boomerang on. I noticed two things...

Firstly, why has no one still got the message that Captain Bird's Eye is perhaps the dodgiest advertising character that exists on the face of the planet? An old man on a desert island with a load of kids? Surely this must be ringing alarm bells in the heads of social workers everywhere. And you only have to get as far as saying 'salty sea dog' and everyone over the age of 16 (and a fair few below it) are cringeing like buggery and diving for cover.

Secondly, a Pink Panther cartoon was on after the break. The mention of Blake Edwards' name in the credits got me thinking... I know the Pink Panther in the film is originally the name of a Jewel Thief, but given that there's mention of pink, doesn't it strike you as a bit of a potential euphemism? Panther... predatory animal... couldn't be a reference to a certain part of the anatomy or something, could it? I'm sorry if I've just ruined a million people's childhoods, but once I thought of it I had to share it...

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