Going Public...

Arrrgh, not again. Window kidnapping strikes again. Can't M$ do something clever with IE so that it doesn't give up a window if there's a text box in it that's full of text? They must know how annoying it is when you click on a link and it steals the window that has a half-written DL entry in it.

So, where was I? Yes, the weekend.

There was excitement in my parents' new house last night. There was already a spectacular storm rumbling around in the valley outside, but then there was a particularly nearby lightning strike. All the lights went out, and everything else switched off. Wherever the strike was, it had created enough of a surge to trip the circuit breakers. It actually took a fair amount of coaxing to calm the circuit breakers down... and then it turned out that the phone line had gone dead too. Suddenly it all felt very isolated, LOL :-D

Got the new FHM this weekend. Miss Gellar and Mr Boreanaz are both in it. The DB interview is the funnier of the two though, his comments on chickens are most amusing. Oh, and I've read pretty much all of my new comics. Battle of the Planets #1 was a corker. Excellent portrayal of the characters, with artwork almost like the cartoon.

You should be able to guess what I've been doing today. Mucking around with stylesheets. The stylesheet even looks reasonable in Netscape, although the guestbook is still broken, sorry E. Hopefully some of you have been paying attention enough to notice that you didn't have to put in a password this time either. That's right, for better or worse I've decided to unlock this.

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