NaNo 2003: End Of Week One

Right, so welcome to Gareth's weekly mid-NaNoWriMo update. Those of you who are expecting more regular updates can go figure, or make do with the drivel I post over at LiveJournal. Which probably makes it sensible to start there with what's been going on...

Yeah, I've got a LiveJournal now. I mostly got it so it's easier to read friends journals over there, rather than as a substitute to our "beloved" DiaryLand. Currently it's also being my 'NaNoWriMo Word Count Blog', so if you want to keep up with how I'm getting on, either go look at my NaNoWriMo profile, or check the LJ. For the record, right now I'm at 15,680 words with 4 chapters down.

I'm home alone right now. Alison is down in London for the annual "World Travel Market" and I've been over to see the parents for the weekend. And I went to visit the parents for a particular reason. Yes, I went to the Writing Group social.

See, my Dad is a member of a local writing group, there's 7 or 8 of them I think, maybe a few more. They all get together once a week and read out what they've been doing and encourage each other, make suggestions, that sort of thing. My Dad's book-in-progress, Cool Welcome, normally gets a good reaction there when he reads bits of it out. But then, not only is he a decent writer, he's also a very good orator. Anyway, I digress. My parents were hosting a social gathering for members of the writing group, and it was interesting to get to meet them all. I don't think I talked to everyone and I certainly talked to one or two people more than everyone else, but everyone seemed very friendly, and interested in the whole NaNoWriMo thing.

By the time they all left late afternoon, I was feeling pretty burned out, so I went to bed for a bit. Dinner helped, naturally, and despite the fact that I still felt a bit grotty afterwards I still managed to hit my wordcount target for the day. Friday remains so far the only slack day of the lot.

To backtrack over the rest of last week, there's not a lot that I can think of to say. Work sucked. It's nice to be doing stuff, sure, but it really does feel like I'm back to the same old shit, and the motivation that may have been there when I first started back there only lasted a day or two. There's a potential nice project that I could get involved in, but I'm not holding my breath.

So, finally, because this is only a short entry - I need food, and I need to get started on Chapter 5, let's just list the things there are to look forward to about next week...

  • Alison coming back!
  • Pink's new album
  • Babylon 5 Season 3 DVDs, assuming sort out their issues over the packaging with WB.
  • Getting to the NaNoWriMo halfway house (chronologically if not quantitatively).
  • Sooner or later I'm gonna get around to finding out on the internet what these allegations against Prince Chas are.
  • Less fireworks. I mean, I like 'em and everything but a whole week of near non-stop fireworks gets a bit dull, yunno?

This has been Gareth's mid-NaNo round-up. Thank you, and goodnight.

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