Deep In The Shit

Oh boy did I fuck up.

Friday morning, I took my meds.

Friday evening, I was too caught up in the idea of staying up and waiting to start writing to remember to take my meds when I finally went to bed.

Saturday morning, I was too caught up in the thought of starting writing to remember to take my meds.

All day Saturday, I felt really shit and couldn't work out why. It seemed a bit like a blood sugar thing, but not quite.

Saturday evening, I was too wrapped up in how shitty I was feeling to remember to take my meds.

This morning, Alison knocked my meds off the shelf and suddenly my memory was jogged in a big way.

This means today I'll still be riding out the side effects. Something to look forward to. Not.

But yeah, anyway, I've taken my meds now.

And on the plus side...

And I did leave it at 2,064 words last night.

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