Eve Of Destruction?

Last night when he addressed the US, George Bush said, amongst other things, "War crimes will be prosecuted, war criminals will be punished and it will be no defence to say, 'I was just following orders'." This amused me greatly, and I'm really hoping those words come back to haunt him later.

So it looks like we're off to war. There's not a lot I can do about that other than get upset and miserable, and that really won't help so I'm going to do my best not to. Really wouldn't be surprised if this brings down Blair though - and there I can't decide if that's a good thing or not. Ack. World affairs. Politics. Gotta love 'em. Jeez.

Before I move on from banging on about the war I want to plug the column Terry Jones (yes, the Monty Python one) has writes in the Observer newspaper, and some of the things he's said about the prospect of War in Iraq. You can read the columns so far here, here, here, here, and here. Also going to The Observer's website and searching for "Terry Jones" will bring up all these links. They really are interesting reading. Scary reading also. Some of it begs the question "What the fuck have we got ourselves into?"

On the way into work today I saw a van with the slogan "More than just a truck-mounted forklift" on the back, along with the picture of, well, a truck-mounted forklift. Given how the picture seemed to belie the statement next to it, I started wondering what else it did. Did it come with a coffee maker on the back? A flat-screen for watching daytime tv while loading and unloading? Or was it something more mundane, like built-in AI-driven stock control? OK, so it doesn't sound quite so amusing now, but it did at the time. Then again, driving down the A46 every day, well, you've got to get your kicks from somewhere.

I'm currently two days behind on system testing. Customer Acceptance testing was meant to start yesterday. It may, if I'm lucky, start tomorrow. That remains to be seen. However, being under pressure does mean that I've already been able to duck out of one waste-of-time meeting today on the grounds that I have no time to deal with it. Funnily enough, this meeting harkens back to the original episode of Fuckwittage that I documented in this diary. The issue apparently wasn't resolved, and it's taken them 8 months to tell me this. Expect more vitriolic ridicule to be expressed here in the next few days.

I'll probably do some stats based on my survey in the next day or two, so if you haven't answered it yet and you're so inclined, please do so ASAP. Anyone who's not a diaryland subscriber who would like to contribute to the stats can email me for a copy of the survey. If you're neither a diaryland subscriber or someone who has my email address, I'm fascinated to know how you got here in the first place.

Out of interest, just how is Saddam Hussein supposed to prove he's fled Iraq? By jumping up somewhere else and shouting "Here I am!" so he can get bombed there instead? If you have any ideas, you know where to leave them.

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