News In Brief

  • I've seen it all now. Earlier this week my GB was spammed. Someone dropped a token entry purely for the purpose of leaving behind their URL. And yes, guess what sort of site the URL linked to. I didn't get to delete it myself, which I was going to do once I'd written it up in here, because it would seem the site admin purged it. Fair enough, I guess.

  • Today was IKEA day. We bought a sofabed. We bought a new desk for the PC to sit on. We bought funky shelves to go up in the kitchen. Since we were in that neck of the woods we also met up with Anne, and visited the fake Starbucks at Merry Hill.

  • The biggest news I guess is that next month Alison and I are going to New York. Alison has a week trip for work planned, and we're going out there a few days earlier, meaning that although she's working for most of it, we get 10 days together in NYC. Including Valentine's Day. Gonna have to do something very special then. No, I won't be proposing. Forget that idea now.

There'll probably be more on all of these at a later date, like maybe tomorrow, but I've been feeling the lack of adding diary entries, and felt I should address this.

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