Bizarreness Ensues...

Well, I just tried phoning two friends, only to find that one had moved out, and the other's number was unobtainable. Now, yes, I know the more cynical (and let's face it, cunty) amongst you will say that they're trying to tell me something, but isn't it just bizarre???

It's been a while since I've updated and there's been a number of reasons for that. I've been busy, and/or I haven't been in the mood, and/or I've been far too tired. The latter two reasons still apply to a certain extent but I figured I ought to write something.

Things have changed a lot since my last entry. Alison is now back from her travels (YAY!) but is out for the evening (boo!). It's great to have her around again and it's amazing the difference it has made to my demeanour (or, as some would term it, my overall everything). When she went away I said that without her the bedroom seemed smaller - that wasn't quite right now, I realise. What I meant was it didn't seem so welcoming. No, I'm not being rude, I mean just in terms of comfort. Now it's welcoming again *beam*

Another thing that has changed is that I've joined the ranks of the Buffy whores who download the episodes from the US to watch without having to wait for them to come onto Sky (in all of three months). I've now seen the first two episodes, and what can I say? Well, after watching the second this evening, I'd just like to ask, what was all this I've been reading over the summer about the series being less dark this season? That ep was freaky. I won't say why, because that would step into the realm of spoiliness, but... yeah. Freaky. Once again skirting the edge of being spoiley, it seems that this season Dawn is going to be the one getting all the good lines. *shrug* I'm cool with that.

And over the weekend I was doing DIY. Yes, dear reader, I know what you're thinking, but try to put things in context. We've just bought a house, so what do you think I'm talking about?

It was a simple task, in theory. Move a light-switch from a stupid position (behind the kitchen door) to a more sensible position (on the other side of the kitchen door so you don't have to close the door again before switching the light on). It was, in theory, just a case of taking the floorboards up upstairs above the kitchen doorway, yanking the wire up one side and then dropping it down the other. In theory.

Let's just say that there were other jobs I wanted to get done, that as a result of this one taking so long I was unable to get done. The one thing I learnt over the weekend though is that possibly the most useful object when it comes to around the house DIYing (especially electrical work) is a wire coathanger. Improvisation is the name of the game.

And, to close, especially for people like E who seem to think that all I do all day is perv over Pink...

Mmmmmm... Pink...

She has to be...

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