And today's Fuckwit of the Day is...


Just now, coming back from signing, I missed a turning. My excuse is that I'm not used to coming at the house from this direction. But it will amuse Anne to know that I failed to follow my own directions that I gave her last weekend and that she managed not to get lost with. Yes, all laugh at me, for I myself am a master of fuckwittage.

I said a couple of weeks ago that I'd write a bit about my signing class and the people in it, once I got to know them a bit better. So here goes. Let's just hope none of them are DLers who happen upon this and then recognise the mention of themselves.

As with previous classes I've been in, the majority are female. The two other blokes are kinda noteable. One looks like a typical sitcom dad, with slip-on shoes, glasses and that slight hesitation that shows he's not sure what he should and shouldn't say. The other bloke is gay, and told us so from the start. He displays a few of the stereotypical mannerisms, but at the same time doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. I'm now waiting to try and spot if there are any fag-hags in the class :-D

If giggles start in the class, it's mostly likely to be one of four people. The gay bloke has set himself up as one of the trouble makers (giggle-wise, anyway), as have I. There are also two women (both of whom did Level 2 last year and failed) who are on the loud side and (surprise surprise) both let out dirty giggles when doing large/larger/largest and small/smaller/smallest signs tonight.

That's a bit egotistical of me, I guess, lumping myself in with the class gigglers. The rest of the class aren't exactly model pupils either, but we're probably the worst. Another character who I guess stands out a bit is a woman with an antipodean accent. Not sure if she's an Aussie or a Kiwi yet, will have to find out at some point. She's also a PhD student, which naturally was something that caught my attention since I did one (or tried to) myself. I'll talk about some of the rest of the class as they become more distinct in weeks to come.

And I talked to Alison earlier. I had to discuss with her whether it was OK to buy a Power Drill at the weekend (not because I have to ask her permission to buy myself tools, but because it was - and is - going to come out of the collective pot), and some other purchases which I feel are important for the house. So tomorrow I'm going to buy a new drill (and a timer switch for the immersion heater) and then wire up the garage with a light (like, duh? why hasn't it got one already) and some sockets (see previous comment). The big decision is how many sockets to give it...

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