Hey Dad...

It's my Dad's birthday today. To celebrate I've taken the afternoon off work, which I thought was fair.

Actually, I took the afternoon off because I decided lying in bed this morning that I could not be arsed with doing a full day. Go me. Alison got the morning off because she'd just been away for work, and one of the wonderful benefits she gets is a whole half morning off if she's on a business trip across a whole weekend. I probably would've taken the morning off instead had I thought about it last night before I left work, but yesterday at work I was feeling rough and not particularly inclined towards thinking.

We're heading back to my parents "retreat" this weekend, as a gathering is taking place there to celebrate Dad's birthday. All of my Mum's side of the family will be there, and my Dad's brother and his, erm, ladyfriend will also be there. I think. Stu and I have been conspiring to ensure that there will be a waterfight, weather permitting. I've just been out and bought two super-cool waterguns that shoot backwards as well as forwards. Excellent for those hard-to-reach areas.

SimCity has been eating up more of my time, except that unfortunately it suddenly seems that my CDROM has decided to break, or overheat, or something. Nevermind, I'll give the computer a nice snooze while we're away, then it can all be better on Sunday. Hear that, CDROM? It's barely a year old, so it should still be up and running fine. Damn. Damn. Damn.

The other incident is that today while out buying water guns I managed to drive into town with my phone in my back pocket without the keypad locked. As a result, my phone has ended up spamming the poor girl who is first in my address book with multiple blank messages. Sorry dear. It's not deliberate.

Anyway, should get packed and ready to go off on this weekend away.

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