Fuck All?

I seem to have quite nobly managed to do absolutely fuck all today.

Well, that's not strictly true. A shopping trip this morning resulted in a few extravagant purchases, including three Black 'n Red notebooks for making notes about my next writing epic. It's a sci-fi trilogy, although since the plan is that I knock it up into the sort of condition that means some day I'll be able to sell it, I'm not about to give a quick summary on the internet. I started drawing up a list of characters for the first book, and then started sketching one of the starships that will feature heavily in the second and third books. Needless to say I was stupid enough to sketch it in pen, making myself subsequently unable to alter it when the need arose. Next time, pencil.

I also bought SimCity 3000, which has already proved itself to be quite outstandingly annoying - the whole balance of tax and expenditure, etc is a right pain in the arse. Thank fuck I don't have to do that for a living.

Also been reading a fair amount of Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident. The style of writing doesn't seem to grate as much as it did in the first book, but I'm left wondering exactly who I'm meant to be rooting for. I certainly don't feel sympathetic towards Artemis himself but I'm not altogether sure I'm supposed to. It's one of those books that I read and end up wondering if I could've done a better job myself. I know that sounds cocky, but it's really not meant to be. I'll just shut up, shall I?

Also mucked around with the Star Wars Lego a bit. Yes, this does make me a sad individual, particularly given that I'm 30, but I don't really care. When Anne was here yesterday she asked me "What are you going to do when you grow up?" after she saw some of the Star Wars Lego sets on display. My answer was "Die, probably." This wasn't meant as a morbid answer, more an indication that in some ways I don't ever intend to grow up. That's good coming from someone who will probably be signing papers to exchange contracts on a house within the next week (fingers crossed!).

And I watched the infamous (if you read Anne's diary) If These Walls Could Talk 2 DVD. I think what I'd say about it would pretty much coincide with what Anne said about it after she watched it, so go and read her entry on it that I've just spent 10 minutes hunting for and pretend that I said the same things... although I think I found the last segment more enjoyable than she did. The other thing I did find was that the infamous sex scene in it was a little disappointing after how much Anne had built it up, although that being said, it was still cool ;-)

Well, for a day of fuck all, that's a mighty long diary entry...

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