Catching Worms

Well, I've come into work early to make up time for going home early last night, and now I've ended up writing an entry instead of actually making good use of the time.

I finished that story last night, but really wasn't satisfied with it. I printed it out for editting purposes and then almost screwed it up and threw it away... I didn't though. I read it through this morning and while I couldn't find anything wrong with it, it seemed to lack... heat? I'll try and improve it tonight, but I think that too much attention will make it even worse. Maybe I've just grown out of writing that sort of thing...

In other news, The House was surveyed yesterday. We've also received the official "Notice of Sale (Subject to Contract)". It's anyone's guess now as to how soon things will start moving - it could be quick, but on the other hand it could take months - there's really no way of knowing.

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