Being right is over-rated.

The only thing wrong with my prediction that lying-in would be interrupted by the arrival of my Faith action figure at 8am was that it did in fact arrive at 7.35am. It's pretty cool though, a better likeness than the standard figure (which I don't have) and it comes with that knife. And you should be impressed. I've had it a whole three hours and I still haven't put it in any dodgy poses with my Buffy figure LOL. If I had a Tara figure, on the other hand...

Hope you like the new colours. I've wasted a fair amount of this morning making minor tweaks to them and I think I'm now happy with the way the pages look. Of course, now I've said that it's going to end up being all of two minutes or something before I end up changing them again.

England - Denmark : lost interest, sorry (see yesterday).

Going to a barbeque today, and one that I'm possibly a tinsy bit apprehensive about. It's Z's birthday, and she's having a barbeque followed by a trip to see Grease. I've not seen her in ages, and we've got what people tend to call History. That's all well in the past now, but I can't help but think that maybe she sounds a little too excited about the prospect of seeing me again. I could be totally wrong, I probably am, and I hopefully am, but it's kinda nagging at the back of my mind. Definitely the sort of thing that weird dreams do not help with.

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