Thank FUCK it's Friday

And I thought I was tired last night. Tomorrow is a day of lie-ins so you can bet that we'll get an early morning phone call or something. Come to think of it, the Faith action figure I ordered on New Year's Eve is supposed to have shipped this week. It'll arrive at 8am tomorrow, I can almost guarantee it.

It's an arse being this tired, because part of me is so stuck on the idea of writing more HBL. I just don't have the energy to even think about it. It's entering one of the more emotional phases of the chapter and those are always particularly difficult. I totally understand why Joss Whedon got upset over plotting the Seeing Red episode of Buffy.

Fucking Hilarious link of the day(TM): clicketh here. Had me in tears of laughter at work, but won't load now I'm trying it from home. I hope the server isn't maxed out. Particularly fitting given my miniature rant yesterday.

Another goal for today is to finally play Jedi Power Battles on the PlayStation. Got it last weekend from Game's used games bin, and still haven't had a chance to play it. I'm quite surprised at how much Alison has taken to the PlayStation. Anything with a two player element, be it cooperative or competitive, seems to engage her interest, provided it's not stupidly complicated or violent. I'm sure she'd have joined in playing Jak and Daxter the other weekend at Stu's if it had a two player option. I think Crash Bash is our favourite so far. Need to buy that at some point. And Monster's Inc. Scare Island. And Toy Story Racers. LOL.

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