Boing... my first entry...

Well, this is it. I'm not sure about all this at the moment... I dunno what to think about laying thoughts bare on the net but I'm gonna give it a try.

I saw Allison this weekend. Not Alison the love of my life, whom I of course see every day (except when she's off globetrotting), but Allison (2 l's, note the difference) my friend who had cancer in her leg last year. She's doing well. She looks to be walking normally - you wouldn't know there was a metal rod instead of bone in her left shin. Apparently she can't walk for more than a couple of miles without the muscles in the leg giving up completely, but more importantly she's still the same bubbly Allison I remember... perhaps a little rougher around the edges but given what she's been through I'm not surprised. It was reassuring to see that she seems to have made it through so far without any obvious mental scars, but at the same time it left me feeling a little pathetic for getting into all the states that I get into over comparatively small things. But I don't want to get bogged down about that now. Hopefully in the long run it'll help give me a sense of perspective, god knows I need one.

On a lighter note, I got an A-ha live DVD in the post today. No doubt this will start off a whole host of Morten comments for me to put with all the Riley ones.

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