
It's not a good idea to dwell on shit. Anyone (above a certain age) can tell you that. Dwelling is not good.

So why the fuck am I dwelling on the whole pay review thing so much?

Probably because it's a fucking insult, that's why.

I know that there are people worse off than me. People who didn't get rise at all as opposed to a rise below inflation. People whose jobs are either less secure than mine or imminently becoming non-existent. People who don't have jobs period. But that doesn't mean I can't feel insulted by what's happened to me, or that I can't throw hissy fits like this one.

From the point of view of the other employees where I work, knowing that they were treated as harshly or worse than me just makes it even more of an insult. It's not just something I've done wrong, because it's happening to everyone. MDE have clearly decided that their employees are worth jack shit. For a company that's used a tagline on their publicity saying how important their employees are, it's pretty fucking poor.

So yeah, I'm pretty fucking pissed off.

And it seems I'm not the only one. Friends are getting laid off, or passed over for promotion for the nth year running, or whatever. This month is not a good month for work life. If I was into Astrology, I would hazard a guess that a digital camera crossing Saturn is to blame, but there's only so much bullshit a Piscean can take. Arf arf.

So, to recap, MDE suck. And they suck on account of actually writing a letter that thanks me for the work I have put in over the past year and then says that they are pleased to inform me that my pay has increased by less than the cost of living. I bet they're pleased. If I got away with ripping people off like that I'd be fucking ecstatic.

Damn. I forgot, I have a conscience.

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