I Fucking ROCK!

Readers of the LJ will already know what I was up to all weekend. For those of you not familiar with my other blog (if not, why not?), I was finally installing the AV unit that I've been making and going on about for the past two and a half months. It was not without its snags, but if you want the full detail of how it went check out the write ups on the LJ.

And on the basis that a picture is worth a thousand words, here's 7,000 words on how it went:


All Gone!

A Frame!

A Frame with a lid!

A Frame with panels!

Almost there...

The Unit. Finished.

So you see, I'm brilliant :-D

Really, I did very little else over the weekend. We didn't even get to sit down and watch stuff on Sunday or Monday night due to the total disarray of the room (and lack of hooked up TV, Sky Box, DVD player, etc).

Now I've just got to tidy up the garage. And that is a scary prospect.

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