My Shoe Rack

So, after having gone on about it for several entries, and showing off about how I've been making it in almost every IM convo I've had during the past fortnight, here it is...
My Shoe Rack
This is what has been bringing everyone to the yard. Damn right, it's better than yours. I could teach you, but you really couldn't afford me, dear.

Other than painting shoe racks and having Kelis songs stuck in my head, I haven't been up to much since my last update.

But I have just remembered another rant I meant to put in the last entry. Michael Jackson. When he showed up in court last week there were loads of his fans turning up to protest his innocence. Erm, hello? How do they know? They may want to believe he's innocent, they may have faith that he's innocent, but that's not really what counts, is it. It's no different from when the media automatically assumes someone is guilty as soon as they are arrested. I know there's the whole innocent until proven guilty thing but that is also not the same thing. And anyway, if we're going to talk about innocent until proven guilty then I'll end up dragging Guantanamo Bay into it, and that's a whole other rant entirely.

Our doors were delivered today, leaving me with the rest of the week to fuck them up entirely. I still don't have a 'how to' leaflet from a DIY place telling me how to go about hanging a door, but as I have just remembered I got a DIY manual for Xmas a year or two ago. So really, I've got no excuses for not getting on with it. Other than not wanting to fuck it up.

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