NaNo 2003: End Of Week Two

As you may have already gathered, I saw The Matrix: Revolutions this week. A thorough (or at least token effort) deconstruction of it, complete with spoilers, may be found here. It also contains, for reasons which will already be clear to people who have seen the film, un-PC spazzo noises at Neo.

I don't think much of note happened during the week. It was mostly a case of get up, go to work, work, come home, slog away at NaNo. And it has been a sloggy week. Various complaints of lack of muses and other writer's block related stuff can be found on the LJ. Oh, and getting to work on Thursday was interesting. The A46 was a nightmare, so I attempted to go by a different route. Naturally, said different route was also a nightmare. All this while I was dangerously low on petrol. Not the most relaxing start to the day. I eventually got into work an hour late, thus having spent three times the usual actually getting there. Bah.

Yesterday was more interesting. We went Christmas shopping. It was a success in as far as we came back with wrapping paper and Christmas cards. That wasn't all we came back with, of course, but the rest of it was all for us.

I would say it was fun, but it wasn't. At least, not most of the time. The past few years I've started getting really jumpy in crowds, and christmas shopping always seems to be the worst thing for it. I spent around half the shopping trip clinging to Alison for dear life.

Alison came away with a load of clothes, and I came away with a t-shirt she bought me of a cute little green blob creature saying 'Don't make me angry!', with the speech bubble taking up most of the front of the t-shirt. I also came away with the Babylon 5 Season Three DVDs. I had ordered them online but the company I ordered them from cancelled all the orders because it wasn't satisfied the sets could be shipped without the DVDs becoming damaged. Other than a small change in design of the disc rose I couldn't tell the difference from the previous sets.

However, yesterday evening when we came to watch the first ep, we came across another problem. There was a slight tinny distortion on the sound. This riled me somewhat. I checked them again this morning and it seemed to be fine though, so maybe it's not a problem. It continues to be the case that with DVD quality images it's far to easy to tell what's real and what's not in scenes that have both live action and CGI. Then again, I guess that's no worse than sets wobbling on Blake's 7. The story is what really counts, and the story is fab.

I ordered a camera phone this week, a Nokia 7250i. Should be fun. Well, should be fun when the damn thing turns up. The evening after ordering it I got an email from the warehouse saying it was out of stock. Bah, and possibly Meh.

Oh, and now that we've completed our cool black and white New York photo jigsaw, yesterday we bought a cool Winnie the Pooh photomosaic jigsaw which should also tax our brains to smithereens. Once again, should be fun. And this one we already have, we don't have to wait for it to be delivered.

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