Standing Back In Amazement

I'm amazed.

The final version of my crazy banner got approved. I really didn't expect it to. The only thing I really changed about it was changing the font to make the difference between anti-aliased and not more apparently, but I also dumbed-down some of the graphics to make the file-size smaller, even if the actual running time is longer. Given the comments that have been left in my guestbook and notes it's going down quite well. I've never had comments left just for the banner. Heh.

I'm getting a lot of googles for "Laura Sadler", which is quite strange. I don't put them in my google-log because I don't feel that's right. I'm also starting to get a lot of googles for "googles". There were three overnight. Recursion abounds in the land of the google, it would seem. Also overnight I got my third google for "Charlotte Church Breasts". I think Sham summed it up best when she said "wroooooooong".

I need two new words. Wordsmiths, consider this a challenge, or a call to arms, or something. My creative energies are mostly being channeled into creating backgrounds for alien races, so I'm not exactly in the right frame of mind to do it myself. Firstly, there needs to be a word for a diary entry whose subject is the diary itself. "Meta-entry" is a little too clinical for my liking. There also needs to be a word for a diary entry that is specifically created for the purpose of gaining google hits, like this one. "Google-bait" is just dull. I guess it could also cover diary entries that prove to be total google magnets, whether intentional or not. I know some of the Cromulent people read this, so word me, bitches.

It's 10 days until my brother's wedding, and I still have toothache.

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