A 3rd Helping of Randomness

Well I can't remember the last time I did three entries in one day. I know the 2nd entry doesn't really count but come on, something like that really deserves an entry of its own. We have had a discussion about how there is nowhere in the house to put such an item but... that!

Yes, I have a terrible weakness, and that weakness is Star Wars Lego.

Okay, so I have many terrible weaknesses, and one of those weaknesses is Star Wars Lego. Happy now?

I bought a few CDs today.

First up, the Evanescene CD Single, Bring Me To Life. As I was explaining to Anne earlier, the reasons for this were two-fold. Firstly, and most importantly, it is a top song. Secondly, hopefully in buying it I joined many others in doing their bit to get R Kelly off the number 1 spot in the UK. This wish does not come from any judgement of him related to the allegations that were made against him, more from the fact that his music is shit.

Second up, 3 Dave Gahan CDs - the two discs of his single, Dirty Sticky Floors, and then the album from which said track is taken, Paper Monsters. The album seems to be doing rather well, in that it took me a while to find a shop that had any copies left, and the single charted. Not a complete surprise that the frontman does better than the songwriter when it comes to solo work, but still a little disappointing. Dave's stuff is cool, but seems a little formulaic in places. I'd imagine the live shows will be good, and will contain a requisite number of Depeche Mode songs, but I think I'll pass. Martin Gore's show was fantastic, and going to see Dave as well would make it seem too much like I was comparing the two. Don't get me wrong, part of me does want to go to one of his gigs, but I don't think I'd appreciate it properly. I haven't given the album a proper listen yet, mind.

Max, the tail-less bluetit.

This is Max, our adopted pet bluetit. This picture of him was from a couple of weeks ago, but I've only just gotten round to putting up on here. There are two birds in the vicinity of the house who are distinctive. The first we got to know was the blackbird who tends to live on the other side of the road, who has mostly white feathers on his head. We never named him. Max is a bluetit who frequents our garden. As you can tell, he's lacking a bit in the tail-feather department. This obviously makes him identifiable, for the time being at least. I suggested Manx as a name for him first, as in Manx Cats. Alison didn't like this, so I suggested changing it slightly to Max. The name has stuck. Haven't seen him for a week or so, but then I haven't really had the chance to look. An interesting point has just occurred to me however, a question to which I don't know the answer. Will his feathers grow back? It seems logical that they will, but I don't know enough about birds to be sure. Can anyone enlighten me?

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