How It Turned Out...

OK, so finally I'll post a proper entry and say what's been going on, since lately time has really not been of the free sort.

The mix-up at work last week lead to me working all weekend on and off, about 10 hours in all. This was really annoying, particularly since it wasn't really down to me being slack in any way shape or form. It did however mean that I was able to turn up on Monday morning with a completed 72-page handbook for the suite of spreadsheets I'd spent the last six weeks augmenting. It was also much appreciated, which counts for a lot. The upshot of this was that I was able to finish my work up North today, a day earlier than hoped. This does mean that I had to pay and hence will be claiming for a night in a hotel that I didn't use (ie, tonight, since I checked out at 5pm), but other than that I'm a happy bunny.

Two things kept me sane over the weekend while I was slogging in the hot weather. Because this weekend it really was too hot to work. Particular in here. With the amount I had to write I wasn't about to go and do it on the laptop because that's just asking for RSI to set in, but up here with a proper keyboard it was like working in a greenhouse. And no, I couldn't just go and plug the keyboard into the laptop because there's only one keyboard/mouse port on the mobile bit of the laptop, and the touch pad on the laptop is equally an invitation for RSI. I think the grammar in this paragraph may be close to collapse, so I'll start a new one.

So anyway, yeah, I had a shit weekend mostly. And two things kept me sane. Alison, and the XBox. Quite often both at once. There were various attempts at ass-whupping going on with both DOAXBV and DOA3. And somewhere along the line we both suddenly got the hang of playing Xtreme Beach Volleyball. And suddenly I'm able to win games. Playing as Ayane she currently has 13 different beach outfits, has had a subtext-laden (in the dreams of my Typical Straight Male Streak(TM)) gaming partnership with Christie of the white hair and the mean and moody.

The Animatrix arrived on Saturday morning. For those who don't know, it's a collection of short CG and Anim� animations set in the Matrix Universe. Some of them tie in directly with storylines in Reloaded, some of them are more standalone. And although all of them add to the story in some way or other, it was the film that did the least in that respect that I enjoyed the most - because it was lighter than the others, and was more about being fun than being about the Matrix. That film was Beyond. I won't go into the plot here for fear of spoiling people. And the opening scene of The Final Flight Of The Osiris was very sexy, even if it was CG'ed. I think after the previous paragraph no one reading this is gonna find it strange that I comment on CG anims as being sexy.

And tomorrow, because I reckon I've earned it, I've got the day off. Might even be able to wangle it as TOIL, but I haven't asked about that yet. And I'm dropping Alison off at work (since she's in the direction I'm going) and then going to see the parents, because I've not seen them for ages.

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