At A Weak End...

Christ, what a week.

If you want to know about my reaction to The Matrix Reloaded, other than my brain was dribbling out of my ears afterwards, you can read about it, COMPLETE WITH SPOILERS here. If you don't want spoilers, don't read the entry until you've seen the film. If you do want spoilers, you shouldn't.

If you want to know about my reaction to Chosen, the Buffy finale, other than the dregs of my brain left over from watching The Matrix Reloaded decided they too wanted to dribble out of my ears, there is a SPOILER-RIDDEN entry about it here. Once again, really, don't read this until you've seen it, unless you don't give a shit about Buffy...

So given that I've watched stuff that has been a head-fuck two nights running, it's not all that surprising that I've had restless nights while my brain has decided to work overtime and attempt to assimilate what it has seen.

Jeez, anyone would think that's all I've done this week.

Oh wait, it is. LOL.

A conversation with Anne about our respective relationships and apparent parallels between them (which was just mucking around really, because let's face it, if you took any two relationships and compared them you could probably come up with 10 thing they had in common, and 10 things on which they differed) also led to the realisation of weird coincidence. It would appear that Alison and I met on Anne's 18th birthday. A meaningless coincidence perhaps, but an amusingly weird one to those involved.

Some musical comments...

Bring Me To Life by Evanescence is damn cool. It's getting airplay on the radio at the moment that's a bit intense, approaching saturation, but I can't get enough of it. For the most part I know it's still the same old nu-metal sound but the simple addition of a solid female vocal has turned it on its head. I like it, and I'm intending to find a listening post with the album on sometime this weekend, given that I saw it for �8.50 up north this week.

Another song I really like that's getting airplay at the moment is Fighter by Christina Aguilera. The video is kinda interesting, even if whoever directed it was going for a major Matrix look in terms of the lighting and colour and mood. I like her with black hair, the look suits her, although I am totally done with drooling over her - I've seen the Dirrty video one too many times for her sexuality to catch my attention any more. The baby-doll eyes may be cute but that sort of thing really doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, since liking Fighter makes it 3 out of 3 for me on singles I've liked, I bought the CD on Wednesday. Tonight I'm listening to it all through for the first time, as it's the first opportunity to do so. Dunno what to make of it yet. I liked what I heard on the listening post and I still like it, it's just a bit more R'n'B than I normally like, so I guess I'm a bit surprised I like it.

Yesterday my car was serviced and MOTed. The front brakes had to be redone, which brought the total cost of the work up to almost 400 quid. This pissed me off. I hadn't expected the total to be that much and I felt ripped off. Bah. Then, today, an intermittent problem with Alison's car's handbrake came to a head (the brake shoes disintegrated) and so her brakes had to be done too. Total spent on cars this week in this household: 600 quid. "Bah" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Just heard Make Over on the CD. It's different, and very cool.

Today at work my smugness at managing to blag a docking station for my equally well-blagged laptop was tarnished by the fact that setting up network drivers for said docking station managed to fuck the laptop over in a similar way as happened to my own PC on Broadband Day. Sometimes I really hate technology. Thus I have just finished rebuilding the OS on the laptop - installed Win2K this time - and as I speak I've left it installing Lotus Notes (unfortunately a necessary evil).

When I walked into the kitchen this evening this is what I saw in the back garden...

Two Fat Greedy Pigeons!

The little tail-less bluetit who seems to have taken up residence nearby was flitting back and forth but I didn't manage to catch him on film, or pixel, or whatever you want to call it.

And that, for the time being, is that.

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