
It's been a good two days at the "Other Job". Mostly.

You know how things can be bobbing along nicely - not actually outstanding in any way but just going according to plan - and then something invariably happens to ruin it all? Yeah, well yesterday things were bobbing along nicely, going according to plan, then late afternoon something happened to ruin it all.

TG's boss (ie, my boss's boss) made a very homophobic comment. I'm not going into details of what was said, suffice it to say that in terms of 'inappropriate' it ranks up there with Prince Philip's clangers. The initial flash of anger that I felt was very intense but faded quickly enough that I didn't do anything stupid, then I was just left feeling disgusted. I didn't want to be there, didn't want to be a part of that place. Certainly didn't want to be associated with TG's boss (who, henceforth, shall be known as THC. The T stands for "That", you can work the rest out for yourself).

In some ways I know I should just let things like that wash over me, that it's not worth getting upset over someone else's ignorance and stupidity. At the same time though, why the fuck should I have to sit there and listen to his narrow-minded comments? It's because so many people let these things wash over them that people like him think it's ok - or even worse, funny - to make comments like that.

It's when things like this happen that being away from home gets a bit difficult. You don't get to talk things through so well, there's only so much you can say over the phone, and as a result end up stewing on things a bit too much. On top of that I'm the sort of person who finds it difficult to let go of something even when it is resolved. Today I was very much in "head down, get on with it" mode, doing my best not to register THC's presence. He was sequestered in meetings for most of the day, so it wasn't too difficult.

For the time being I am contenting myself with the idea that if he's stupid enough to make comments like that again in the middle of the office there will quite possibly be grounds for making a formal complaint. I don't know for sure if I would go through with something like that, but the thought of it is somewhat appealing right now.

Other than that, it really has been a good two days. Things have been coming together, and although mostly today all I've been doing is slow and laborious cross-referencing, the fact that with every cross-reference things get a little more cohesive is actually quite a buzz.

And what else? I've just discovered that I haven't done even a half-decent update since Thursday evening, so I've probably missed a lot out. Let me see... seen the next Buffy, which had me considering digging out the Fray comics, seen the Angel season finale (Oh, man next season is gonna be good - thank fuck for that, eh?), and bought and seen Die Another Day. Not your run-of-the-mill Bond in some ways, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. And Rosamund Pike. Mmmmmm.

Ohhhhhh, and I finished the stuff I was doing last weekend when I did my wrist in - namely putting an extra socket in the bedroom and then putting up some shelves above it. The shelves have to be taken down again and painted at some point but that's a minor detail.

We have (more) shelves.

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