The Jitters

It's not a new job, it's just a new assignment. It's not a big thing.

I keep telling myself this in the hope that at some point I'll listen. The only assignment I've done outside of my regular one up until now was last year and lasted a morning - I went down to Luton to one of the accounts and provided sign-language support for a training session. As this is the first time I've done anything outside of the regular Daventry routine in a big way in the past five and a half years almost, I guess it is a big thing, after all.

So it's perhaps understandable that I have the jitters.

Also something happened today that threw me a little. I was called into a meeting with Boss M and Boss J. They pointed out that what with one thing and another, particularly a major outtage that occurred last week and the role the account played in sorting it out, our client has come to realise that we are in fact worth more to them than they previously accepted. So they're asking the account to reconsider the redeployment measures that are being taken. What Boss M and Boss J wanted to know was how I would feel about being taken off the redeployment list.

<Fast Show>HA!</Fast Show>

This left me a little bemused. I'm not sure where it fits in with the whole dangling carrot analogy - someone else asking if they can eat the carrot, I guess. Still, it doesn't change what happens tomorrow, I have still been released for this assignment. If the account becomes desperate for me to come back, they'll have to make it worth my while, I think.

I left the meeting having agreed to think about it, having had it pointed out to me that after a few weeks I might be fed up of commuting to Derbyshire and spending one or two nights a week away from home. I am aware of this, but I don't plan to be based there in the long term. This being the electronic age, remote working should be an option.

And in deference to the saying "better late than never", I flew off the handle today at work at a manager. I've never done that before.

Just don't mention humble pie.

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