Freak Like Me

Why am I always so fucking miserable on a Friday? It's the end of the week, I should be bouncy and cheerful, but for the past few weeks I've been a right grouch come Crunchie Day. Just another way in which I am a freak.

It's the BASWBE National Concert Band Festival in Manchester this weekend and a Wind Orchestra that Alison plays in got through to the finals, so we're off up there on Sunday. This is cool. Very cool in fact. We were hoping to be able to go up on Saturday night and stay over with an old friend of mine, but her and her hubby are out that night so unfortunately that was a no-go.

So that's Sunday. Fuck knows what we'll be doing tomorrow, apart from watching the Harry Potter DVD. It should arrive today so we would be able to watch it tonight but we've been putting off watching the Firefly pilot for so long I'm adamant that we're going to watch that tonight instead. Unless by some miracle Angel has finished downloading when I get home. Because based on cliffhanger from the last episode, that takes precedence.

Last night at signing was nice and jolly. Not. We were doing signs about illnesses and death. Not quite as ironically timed as when I did it last time around two years ago. That time we did it a few days after I found out that a close friend had cancer. She has since recovered but that was a very bleak time and the timing of the signing class was not appreciated by me that time around.

I feel I should have an amusing anecdote at this point to lighten the diary entry, but I don't have one.

I'll just end by throwing my two-penneth into The Great Peeing-In-The-Shower Debate by saying that in that matter, as with most others, I am most definitely Pro-Choice.

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