Catch up...

OK. My attempt to write a diary entry last night was killed by IE playing silly buggers and deciding to... well, I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I lost the window, and wasn't in any mood or state to type it all up again.

So, I think I have almost a week to cover...

Let's start with the present, shall we? That ought to confuse you. I'm off work today. I have a chesty cold, which is pissing me off because we've got the a-ha gig tonight and I'll be gutted if I'm not well enough for it. May well be there in a dosed up haze, but that'll be better than nothing. If not for the thought of that, I might've been able to cope with work at a stretch, but could well have ended up leaving by lunchtime and coming home anyway. You never can tell with these things.

I'm not sure there's anything I can say about watching Tipping the Velvet last week that won't make me sound like I only watched it so I could perv over it, and since that wasn't strictly true I don't want to give the wrong impression. I'll admit there was a certain pervy element in wanting to watch it, but it wasn't the only reason. Go figure.

I've been trying to download the 3rd episode of Buffy season 7 since Wednesday morning, only Kazaa doesn't seem to be all that keen to cooperate. I'm rarely getting rates over 1K/sec, which is very frustrating. Still, since there are probably all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't be doing it, I won't shout too loud.

A trip into MVC revealed some splendid bargains this weekend. They were selling the double-cd soundtracks to the Special Edition releases of the Star Wars trilogy for �8.99 each. This made me very happy and was not something I found it easy to turn my back on. Since I have the gorgeous hologram-cd version of the Jedi soundtrack already, it was just the other two I snapped up. Now all I need is for the double-cd version of the Attack of the Clones soundtrack to come out and my Star Wars cd collection will be complete. For now at least...

I also bought Pink's first album, Can't Take Me Home. This was so that I could (as E put it) "bone up ;-)" on the earlier material ready for the gig next month. The first album has a bit too much of an R'n'B feel to it for my liking, but I'm guessing that the songs off there will be nicely reworked when we see them live.

Have I mentioned Targeted on here before? It's my latest fic effort, a Faith-in-prison story where the idea came from a random train of thought caused by someone asking for some kind of follow-on to one of the post-S6 Willow-angst pieces I wrote. I put it on the Hell Breaks Loose timeline too, so that I got to write Kymi again. Incidentally, halfway through writing chapter 1 of Targeted, I realised that there are a lot of similarities between Kymi and Pink. I know for a fact that I didn't base her on Pink when I first started HBL, but the similarities are there, regardless. Anyway, I just figured I'd mention it since I've been spending a fair bit of spare time on it lately. Chapter 2 is mostly still at the "easing in" stage, but is starting to get to the point where things start happening.

I did a little bit of handymanning over the weekend - the built in wardrobe in the bedroom now has shelves. Also replaced the isolator switches for all the storage heaters, and we've had them on the past two nights. Last night I think I possibly over-tweaked the settings on them, as the upstairs one is now throwing out heat like there's no tomorrow. More careful study needed there, I feel.

So, there you have it. And I may feel like crap, but at least I'm not in hospital. Hope Katy's feeling better soon.

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