The Deed Is Done (or signed, at least)

Knackered. We drove down to London today to see our solicitor and sign the contract and the mortgage deed. We talked through everything, including all the little niggly bits that you have to look at because they're in print, and then we signed. We haven't actually exchanged yet, that's expected to happen on Monday or Tuesday of next week (while we're away).

Amusingly, our solicitor reminded Alison of the dad from American Pie. Hope we don't meet him again in a hurry, it'll be difficult to keep a straight face after her telling me that.

Alison herself provided the quote of the day: "I had a slight mental aberration." I found this phrase highly amusing.

So anyway, we're off to Devon for a week. I shall return next Saturday with tales of the West Country and wild cats sighted on Dartmoor...

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