Weeeeeee're Wide Awake!

Saturday morning... just about.

Proper survey results arrived today. This coupled with our trip to the house last night to measure up the kitchen has been a bit daunting. It's starting to sink in how much work there is for us to do there... but ultimately this is a good thing. It means that one the place is all done up nicely, we can really say it's ours, and that we did it all.

We also measured up all the windows. Few curtains to make now LOL.

Today, we're off to stay at my brother's for the night, to give him his birthday present and no doubt to spend a remarkable amount of time on the PS2. We also might take in a few English Heritage places on the way down, seeing as how we joined up in March and need to take advantage of the membership benefits.

I don't want to say anything more about work for now. Needless to say that more fuckwittage presented itself throughout the day, and that one particular client thought it was funny to point out one of our past gaffes when I complained about how this whole issue was going round in circles. I am sooooooo trawling the job pages as soon as we move.

Anyway, I told Alison this would just be a quick entry, and she's wanting us to leave ASAP.

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