Where do the days go?

I turn my back for a few minutes and suddenly it's Sunday evening. Things have been quite hectic but I didn't realise quite how much.

Thursday: Was staggering around in a tired haze trying to get the place tidied up for parents coming for the weekend.

Friday: Alison's WOW (Warwick Orchestral Winds) Concert at Birmingham Conservatoire, joint with LA Pierce Symphonic Winds. WOW played a Wind Band Suite of the Harry Potter Music, LA Winds played three movements from the Lord of the Rings Symphony (not the music from the film). Was fantastic, and there's loads I could say about it now but I'm trying to summarise here, ok?

Saturday: Viewed a house in Warwick that we're going to put in an offer for. It's a little run-down decor-wise, needs a complete refit in the kitchen, but in that respect it's a good investment. Semis are starting to move out of our price range as houseprices continue to mutate horrendously, so this one is a bit of a find for us... we hope other people will be more put off by it. Also went to Hatton Country World, had a potter around Stratford, and then played Star Wars Ep I Trivial Pursuit. It was me alone (using the Darth Sidious counter) taking on Mum, Dad and Alison as a team (using the Obi-Wan Kenobi counter). At three cheeses each we were getting tired and decided we should just go for the centre, but in the course of doing that I got two more cheeses, and the others answered the question in the centre, so it was kinda a draw.

Today: Horrendous for me. I discovered late morning that I didn't take any of my medication yesterday, which kinda explained why I wasn't exactly feeling wonderful. I deteriorated for a bit, then had a sleep and kinda felt better. Been feeling around 50-60% since... definitely not the best of days. Although we did go for a nice walk along Hatton Locks. And Alison brought up the subject of children and whether the fact that I'm kinda for and she's kinda against is a problem that we should sort out before buying a house together. I don't think it's that much of a problem, and I certainly don't think that having kids is more important to me than she is, but it was a kinda monumental moment to pass through. Neither of us are quite sure if it's gonna come between us in future life, but I don't think either of us is prepared to walk away on the offchance. If it does, then so be it, but for now, she's the one I want to be with, kids or no kids.

There you go, my life on a plate. Got a bit serious for a summary, but there you go.

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